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The Bookmycharge mobile app is available free for both Apple phones and Android.

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Easily find the chargepoints near you

Use your location and find out where the nearest available and bookable chargepoints are on the map and select the one that suits you best. The Bookmycharge system does the rest...
Mobile map

Book a chargepoint at a convenient time and date

You can check the booking details in your profile in the App and pay securely using the Stripe payment system
Mobile booking

Create a chargepoint according to your personal preferences

Manage your chargepoint data and pricing in the "My chargepoints" section with easily configurable options that can be changed at any time
Mobile chargepoint

Add your chargepoint to Bookmycharge

You don't have to add a chargepoint to Bookmycharge to use the platform for booking and charging, but we hope you will both to earn money from it and to promote the growth of electric vehicles
Mobile add chargepoint
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The UK‘s bookable home and destination EV charging network
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Website by Bookmycharge Ltd